Pop up parties are my jam!! Girls night, shopping right in your living room, laugh, catch up, and
leave with bags full of LuLaRoe! When you are one of my hostesses first- HIGH FIVE! Because you are supporting me, my business, my family and I love you already!! and guess what?! Just for that you get FREE LEGGINGS!! Then you just invited all of your friends over to shop- well the perks keep going!! Every- yes EVERY 10 items sold, you get to pick out ANOTHER free item- LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU WANT! and that keeps happening every time 10 more sell! During you hour and a half long party you can have a blast and end up with a new wardrobe! It's amazing. The best part for me if meeting you, learning about your family, seeing you all try on these fun clothes and seeing how fabulous you look! Pop up parties, are so fun for everyone involved! Im booking through May right now. I am in OKC and will travel up to 3 hours with ALL of my stuff!!
Are you not within 3 hours? GUESS WHAT?! You are not left out! You can host an online party and get the EXACT SAME PERKS!!! Pretty great stuff! So pick a day and let's get you on the calendar!